To Everyone I love,
Right now I'm not exactly sure what I am going to say... It feels like just yesterday I was writing you guys and told you everything I had to say! You could say this was a fast week. Out here days seem like weeks and weeks seem like days so I honestly don't remember what happened this last week. Good thing I have most all of it in my journal. That's why it is important to keep a constant journal.
Lets start with the Bible bashing that took place this week. I honestly could help but laugh at the guy, it was so hard to keep a straight face most of the time. So anyways we met with J-Witnesses and they believe the weirdest things in the world it honestly sad. I asked the one guy if he thought he was going to Heaven (they believe only 144,000 go to heaven) he answer was no. I thought then what the heck are we here for. That was one of the saddest things I have ever heard so I asked him if he thought he had a chance to go to heaven and he said no way. Crazy right!! I guess they think God only love 144,000 of his children, they honestly have no common sense on things either. If you have the chance to meet with them, DON'T they love to waste your time. We will definitely never meet with them again it was just a waste of a day. Now on to he happier notes, I guess obedience does bring miracles its happening everyday. Mom you asked if the mission pres. was loving! He is loving but in a very business professional kind of way, he is intimidating to talk to just because everything has got to be perfect. He is the kind of guy that pulls you into his office and says do you really want to be here. It honestly can be scary at times but I guess that is good because it keeps us 100% obedient. And the work here is way more successful than it has ever been before.
This last week our zone set a mission record on new investigators found and as for me and my companion we didn't find any... They all found us! One family has been so kind to us they didn't really want religion because in the past people have tried to push it on them before but they said for some reason they wanted to talk to us, so we talked and got to know them share a little message and we go back to teach a lesson later this week. We found more people and those are stories for another time if they continue to work out. But this week we found 11 potential investigators and 5 new investigators which is big numbers. I think I have been mentioning a lot about past investigators and this was a weird week because we didn't get to teach them much just small visits. Kathy and David are hard right now becasue Kathy got a mouth infection and started a new job so lots of stress and pain in there part, but they are still praying and reading all the time so that is awesome I love it. Jill on the other hand I think is starting to avoid us. Which is so sad because she was awesome. Everytime we have and appointment with her she is gone but if we just drop in randomly they are there. I bet Andy and Carson can relate to this. It sucks because you want so badly for them to see the progression they have already made and realize how wonderful the gospel is but they just can't quit see it in there lifes yet. But they will see it when the time is right. And thats what president is stressing all we can do is invite people to come unto christ they have the agency to choose. He seriously wanted us to invited hundreds and hundreds of people while we are here in the mission feild.
This last week our zone set a mission record on new investigators found and as for me and my companion we didn't find any... They all found us! One family has been so kind to us they didn't really want religion because in the past people have tried to push it on them before but they said for some reason they wanted to talk to us, so we talked and got to know them share a little message and we go back to teach a lesson later this week. We found more people and those are stories for another time if they continue to work out. But this week we found 11 potential investigators and 5 new investigators which is big numbers. I think I have been mentioning a lot about past investigators and this was a weird week because we didn't get to teach them much just small visits. Kathy and David are hard right now becasue Kathy got a mouth infection and started a new job so lots of stress and pain in there part, but they are still praying and reading all the time so that is awesome I love it. Jill on the other hand I think is starting to avoid us. Which is so sad because she was awesome. Everytime we have and appointment with her she is gone but if we just drop in randomly they are there. I bet Andy and Carson can relate to this. It sucks because you want so badly for them to see the progression they have already made and realize how wonderful the gospel is but they just can't quit see it in there lifes yet. But they will see it when the time is right. And thats what president is stressing all we can do is invite people to come unto christ they have the agency to choose. He seriously wanted us to invited hundreds and hundreds of people while we are here in the mission feild.

I love that story you told about Rindee and the kids, because the same thing happened to us. Last Monday as we were leaving the Library to go play some basketball, we couldn't find our keys anywhere and we started to look everywhere. So we decided we won't be able to do this on our own its just not possible. and so we did what missionaries do, we prayed! At this point we had pretty much figured out they were somewhere in the Library so we pulled the place apart, looked under the keyboards where we were sitting and on the floor. Everyone was helping us look, except on guy. After about 10 minutes of looking we asked the one guy who wouldn't help us if we could look under his keyboard... low and behold our keys!! He had been there the whole time and sat next to us so we didn't think they were on that desk. I don't want to make any assumptions I am just happy that Heavenly Father helped us find our keys and we could continue on our way.
Me and my companion are like two peas in a pod. We work so well together and have basically the same exact intrests. He loves sports so thats always good for me. We have both agreed that if we were back home we would have definitely have been friends so thats always good to have a comp that you like. I must say me and him are both dedicated to getting big. We wake up at 5:30 to get ready and go to the gym and we stay there till 7. You guys would never believe that I would be one to work out on a daily bases. In the month I have been here doing this it has shown up big time. I actually don't look like a bean pole anymore.
I have not been golfing yet although I have been dying to go. Its just that we have so little time and on P-Day we have other things that we have to do and want to do. But we think we will go out in the next couple of P-Days. Basically on P-Days I play basketball. OH I almost forgot... wanna know something gross, Im gonna tell you anyways. We all remember how I smashed my toe in my basketball shoes right? well yeah I keep doing it and my toe nail has decided thats enough. So yeah I don't have a toe nail on my big toes anymore. At times it hurts like crazy but I got used to it and know its getting better.
This paragraph is just about random cool experiances that are coming to my head so stay with me. Who would have thought that I would see my first wild alligator before my first wild snake!!! Well saturday when we were biking going full speed crossing over the canal my comp slames on his brakes and tells me he sees a gator so I got pictures and it was awesome. Just a baby one though, the mom has to be close so we are on the look out to find her and get some good pictures. Just about two minutes ago we got news that we have permission to move out of our house and into an apartment!!! This is huge and so exciting because of all the scary things happening there and all the horrible bugs we have! I am so happy right now. Now we actually eat something without it being infested with ants and coch roaches!!
This paragraph is just about random cool experiances that are coming to my head so stay with me. Who would have thought that I would see my first wild alligator before my first wild snake!!! Well saturday when we were biking going full speed crossing over the canal my comp slames on his brakes and tells me he sees a gator so I got pictures and it was awesome. Just a baby one though, the mom has to be close so we are on the look out to find her and get some good pictures. Just about two minutes ago we got news that we have permission to move out of our house and into an apartment!!! This is huge and so exciting because of all the scary things happening there and all the horrible bugs we have! I am so happy right now. Now we actually eat something without it being infested with ants and coch roaches!!
Not much more to say. This week I want you guys to remember to always put the Lord first in everything you do! I promise it will make life so much easier. Always say yours prayers no matter what you are doing. And always find time to read your scriptures its amazing what can really happen when you put him above everything else! I have a strong testimony of this church and I love this gospel its the most true thing on this earth. I love you guys so much and keep up the good work you are doing back home.
Love your one and only Elder,